We’re now in our third year of legalization in Canada and while it hasn’t been without obstacles (and crop failures), we just have to say Canada, we’re proud of you!
We recall opening that first plastic jar of commercial grade cannabis back in 2018, which at that point, would have likely been sitting in a warehouse for the better part of a year. We wondered, with trepidation, about how this industry would transition from a thriving legacy market of vast product selection and prices, to a tightly regulated industry with giant hurdles for legacy growers. Despite the obstacles, and with a long-term vision in mind, we opened our doors and began meeting our customers. This kicked off an internal procurement program we’ve rarely talked about; one that involves in-depth curation, narrowing our suppliers and proprietary product assessment to ensure we’re always stocked with the best and most consistent products.
While we’re already seeing bangers from a handful of producers, we believe 2021 will be the year of craft cannabis. You know, those OG strains that possess the qualities true enthusiasts are after (nose, bag appeal, stickiness, bud structure), the products that have given this province notoriety around the world (#bcbud). These flower products are on their way to your local Burb store and we’re excited to say the least.
So after unanimously surveying our Burbtenders and product experts, we’re pleased to present our list of top 10 strains at Burb.