
First Time Smoking Weed? Here’s What To Expect

It's your first time smoking weed, and you've got questions…and Burb has answers. We’ve brought cannabis culture to new heights in BC, and we’re here to help you get started with cannabis the right way.

That means knowing the basics of the mechanics of smoking but also knowing the best techniques to prepare yourself mentally and physically before your first experience. There’s definitely an experimental aspect to smoking cannabis, and the first-time weed smoker is venturing into some uncharted territory with any consumption method.

However, you want to go into your first experience with some extra assurance and guidance from the pros — that’s exactly why we’re here. This guide will cover everything you need to know when trying cannabis for the first time, from the basics of cannabis products and cannabis strains to the details of psychoactive effects.

We’ll also walk you through the practical aspects of your first smoke session to ensure a positive weed experience and keep your wellness in check the whole time. Finally, we’ll chat with some veteran cannabis users from our own stores to hear their stories and get some sage advice.

Is it your first time smoking weed? Here's what to expect!

First Things First: Set Your Intentions

Before you start browsing cannabis strains and comparing rolling papers, we encourage all first-time smokers to take a step back and ask a key question: what do you really want from your cannabis experience?

This might seem like an irrelevant step, but it’s more important than you might think. People use cannabis for a wide range of different reasons, and everyone approaches their first time with a unique set of perspectives and background experiences.

Maybe you want to light up to get a spark of creativity for a new project, or you just want to wind down at the end of a long week with a relaxing body high. With so much diversity in the cannabis plant and unique formulations for different effects, start with your intentions and set reasonable expectations that align with your lifestyle and wellness goals.

This will help ensure you get what you truly want from cannabis, and the experience will be far more enjoyable from start to finish.

Choosing Your Ideal Environment

Smoking weed for the first time should be all about comfort, familiarity, and having the assurance that you’re in a safe place. In other words, you don’t want to put yourself in an unknown situation or environment when embarking on your first cannabis experience — no one wants to feel paranoid or uneasy.

That’s why we recommend starting out in a comfortable setting like your home or a friend’s place rather than a busy public space or a crowded event. With some experience under your belt, you’ll be able to branch out into new environments but start safely with a setting you know well.

Keep in mind that smoking weed for the first time might come with some side effects like sensory distortion or mild paranoia. Having a comfortable setting will make all the difference to keep these effects at bay.

Plus, you’ll have access to your favorite snacks and drinks to handle those munchies and dry mouth.

Consumption Methods: Tools and Techniques

Now that you know what you want from your smoking experience and you have your ideal environment set up, it’s time to gather your gear and find the right tools of the trade.

With cannabis, you have a vast range of possibilities for consumption and delivery methods, and you can make it as simple or as complex as you want. However, if it’s really your first time with cannabis, we suggest starting with the basics — a simple joint or glass pipe device will do the trick and teach you the fundamentals.

Besides, you should learn how to roll a joint at some point, so what better time to start than right now? Thankfully, neighborhood dispensaries like Burb have all the accessories and tools you need to get started, from rolling papers and pipes to vapes and more heavy-duty contraptions to take your experience to the next level.

On the flip side, you can avoid handling cannabis flower altogether and opt for a tincture, edible, or topical cannabis product. These are great for beginners because you don’t have to worry about technique or drawing smoke into your lungs. But you’re also missing out on the core experience of smoking that makes cannabis such a unique and enjoyable pursuit.

We don’t judge — do your thing and use cannabis however you choose. Just be sure you know what to expect and have supportive people around you to help you navigate your first-time experience.

Picking a Strain: You’ve Got Options

As long-time cannabis connoisseurs, we know a thing or two about the countless types of cannabis available today. You’re not expected to know all the ins and outs of strains, but you might as well learn the basics before getting started.

Sativa strains are known for producing a more stimulating, cerebral high that can spark creativity and vital energy. These strains are ideal for socializing, creating, and exploring the outdoors.

On the other hand, Indica strains are more deeply relaxing and emphasize the physical relaxation components of cannabis by targeting a different set of receptors in the body.

Of course, you can find a hybrid strain that gives you the best of both indica and sativa in the precise ratio you desire. A reliable hybrid strain is a good starting point for beginners, as you’ll get a well-rounded experience that will guide your future preferences in exploring new types of cannabis.

First-Time Experiences: Stories From Our Staff

We talked to our staff at our Broadway, Port Moody and Poco Place locations to see what they had to say. Read below about their first time smoking weed, how their tolerance has changed, product recomendations, "first time" stories and more.

First time smoking weed? Here's what to expect!


Madison, Visual Merchandising Program Manager, Support Office

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I started smoking very casually in high school but have been a regular user for the past 5 years.

First time you got high and how?
First time I got high was from smoking flower out of a homemade apple bong in the middle of a forest.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
It really depends on the time of day. Throughout the day I like to stick to joints and in the evening I typically opt for dabs or edibles.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
Yes my tolerance has changed a lot, I didn't used to be able to smoke during the day and still be productive. However overtime I have found with my increased tolerance and specific strain selection, it can actually really help my creativity and productivity. I typically smoke 0.5G in a single sesh or 50-60mg for edibles.

Any favourite products for first timers?
I would recommend a 0.3G pre roll with a midrange THC, the Reedes always have a few strain options. They are smaller than a typical joint and with a lower THC it won't hit as hard. They are a great way to consume smaller amounts without wasting any product!



Terence, Retail/Community Lead, Poco Place

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I have been consuming cannabis for over 9 years.

First time you got high and how?
The first time I got high was in high school. My friends and I were smoking a bong in the woods. Now I didn’t know what I was supposed to feel when smoking for the first time, so I decided to take three bowls in a row. Let me tell you… I got high… too high. Fast forward a few years and here we are, working for cannabis company/brand consuming everyday. Life is good :)

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
Anyone that ever had the opportunity to sesh with me knows that I am a joint smoker and a joint roller. I pride myself in constructing some nice joints, ones that finish perfectly all the way down to the filter.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
I would say that my tolerance has definitely gone up over the years. Given that one of my joints usually average around 1g, and I smoke multiple times a day.

Any favourite products for first timers?
For first time consumers I would recommend any 1:1 cultivars for smoking as it provides a nice mellow high, while still leaving room to go up in potency. If smoking is not preferred, than I would also suggest any 1:1 edible as that too will provide a nice mellow high, more body focused than cerebral.



Delisa, Assistant Store Manager, Broadway

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
8-10 years.

First time you got high and how?
First time was in middle school but I did it so wrong, I didn’t get high so I never tried again till I was 24. I was having a really bad panic attack after a trip I had just been on. My little brother picked me up from the airport and saw my state of stress and anxiety and didn’t know what to do. He had already been an avid user for years. So he rolled me a beautiful joint and we sat back in my parents backyard and smoked it all. The relaxation that over came me was amazing. Ever since then I haven't looked back.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
Flower is my favourite and usually smoke out of a bong or in the summer a joint out in the sun.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
I've always had a higher tolerance, referring to myself as a high functioning stoner. For a joint I like a nice 1g for a session or a tight fully packed bowl for the bong.

Any favourite products for first timers?
A nice hand rolled joint.



Joey, Content Creator, Poco Place

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
Smoking for 7 years.

First time you got high and how?
First time I got high was an edible at 420 in 2014 and I greened out on the skytrain.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
Usually I get baked with dabs or bong rips.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
Tolerance has definitely changed over the years I used to feel nauseous after 1 puff of a joint.

Any favourite products for first timers?
Favourite products for first timers would be the Mango Haze 10pk or the Berry Lemonade 1:1 Cartridge.


Ivanna (left), Assistant Store Manager, Port Moody

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I have been consuming cannabis for the last 7 years.

First time you got high and how?
First time I got high was with a group of friends. We sat around a circle and suddenly there was a pink bong in my hand.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
My favourite method of consumption remains my trusty beaker bong

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
A lady never shares her tolerance ... but I'm not a lady so I can tell you mine is pretty f*ing high. Let's say I need more than one toke to get to my desired state.

Any favourite products for first timers?
Edibles or carts are defs the way to go for your first time. Edibles can be easily dosed and oftentimes don't taste like cannabis. Carts have a quicker onset of effects and it is easier to gauge your personal tolerance.

Libby (right), Community Lead, Port Moody

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I've been using cannabis since I was 15 years old, and I just turned 21 this year :)

First time you got high and how?
The first time I got high was in 10th grade, we bought a gram for $20 and smoked it in a forest behind an elementary school in the worst rolled blunt I've ever seen to this day. It wouldn't stay lit and would literally unravel as you were trying to hit it. Not an ideal first smoke sesh but I don't think anybody's first time is!

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
During the winter time it's way too cold to go outside and smoke so I like using carts and edibles, however in the summer time I like joints the best.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
Over the years my tolerance has pretty much stayed the same. I've never had a high tolerance, weirdly. I've tried to build it up but my body isn't built like some of the staff here - everybody's body is different!

Any favourite products for first timers?
For first timers I always recommend edibles! They're a fun way to get into cannabis and are very easy to dose so you know you're not going to take too much, plus we have the best selection to choose from. My favourites are the Wana Gummies, Spinach Sourz, White Rabbit Gummies, and the Sweet Justice OG Cola!


Malik, Burbtender, Poco Place

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I’ve been consuming cannabis for 15 years.

First time you got high and how?
First time I was really young and it was from one of my fathers roaches he left sitting around.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
Mostly I’ll do joints, but lately I’ve been mixing in some edibles and topicals/oils for any pain I have from skateboarding.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
I’d say over the years I’ve gained quite the tolerance. I would say a usual sesh would be a solid gram or gram and a half J but it depends on where and what’s going on… sometimes more.

Any favourite products for first timers?
I will always recommend something like Harley Quinn or AC/DC cookies for first timers that enjoy pre rolls. They’re low in THC and have quite a bit of CBD so it allows first timers to feel the high and not get such an anxious high. The Shred’ems Wild Berry Blaze is also another good edible with lots of CBD (25mg) and around (2mg) of THC.


Tara, Burbtender, Port Moody

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I’ve been smoking weed for almost 10 years this June! (A decade feels weird to say at 25).

First time you got high and how?
First time I ever smoked I was hanging out with some friends at a park and someone brought a joint. Mum knew instantly when I got home lol.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
I usually roll a joint for outdoor activities but I love bringing THC infused drinks with me too for summer days!

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
My tolerance is very high from time to time but I like to take T-breaks to insure I’m enjoying every strain I want to try. I consume about 1-2 grams a day, maybe 1 or two joints in a sesh.

Any favourite products for first timers?
The Mango Haze Pre Rolls from Color is the perfect joint for first timers! Very calming and euphoric, with a lovely smooth taste. The CBD helps relax without overdoing it with THC.



Aidan, Burbtender, Broadway

How long have you been smoking/consuming cannabis?
I’ve been smoking for 6 years.

First time you got high and how?
First time I got high was with my older brother, smoked a couple joints, one of the only times I’ve greened out lol.

How do you usually get high now (ex. edibles, concentrates, joints, etc.)?
I’ll smoke any way but I definitely prefer dabs out of a rig specifically live resin and diamonds.

Has your tolerance changed over the years and how much do you usually smoke/consume in a single sesh?
My tolerance has definitely steadily gone up, but yearly T-breaks help. I don’t like to sesh, I’m more of a constant smoking person so I consume about a half gram to gram in a day of concentrates plus whatever flower I smoke.

Any favourite products for first timers?
For someone not looking to smoke, I would recommend any of the Wanna Quicks, and for someone who is, the Pedros Sweet Sativa joints are a low THC, gentle and happy smoke that is perfect for any newcomer.

Further Reading...



/30G Daily Limit

Over limit by